@prismicio/slice-simulator-react Deprecation Guide

@prismicio/slice-simulator-react, a package providing a component to simulate Slices in Slice Machine UI and the Page Builder, is deprecated. Its functionalities are now distributed through @slicemachine/adapter-next.

Update packages in package.json

  1. Remove @prismicio/slice-simulator-react from your package.json.
    "devDependencies": {


2. Update your package.json to use the latest version of @slicemachine/adapter-next.

    "devDependencies": {
     "@slicemachine/adapter-next": "^0.3.0"

3. Update your installed packages with npm.

npm install

Handling breaking changes

The following changes are required when upgrading your simulator to @slicemachine/adapter-next v0.

Replace imports

Replace imports for @prismicio/slice-simulator-react with @slicemachine/adapter-next/simulator on your simulator page.


 import { SliceSimulator } from '@slicemachine/adapter-next/simulator'

Remove state prop if still present

The deprecated state prop from @prismicio/slice-simulator-react has been removed with @slicemachine/adapter-next. If you were still using it, you now have to remove it:

  import { SliceSimulator } from '@slicemachine/adapter-next/simulator'
  import { SliceZone } from '@prismicio/react'

  import { components } from '../slices'

  const SliceSimulatorPage = () => {
    return (

        sliceZone={(props) => <SliceZone {...props} components={components} />}

  export default SliceSimulatorPage

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